Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Class, Class and Lady GaGa

Monday :: Painting and Pottery

In painting class, we painted bamboo/mountain landscapes. None of us finished, but we were able to take supplies back to the dorm to work.
In pottery class we made coffee mugs.

Mine sucked pretty bad so I went to touch up my favorite leaf plate and BROKE IT. I was so upset. The instructor tried to help, but broke it more, so we gave up. 

Tuesday :: Studio and Dinner/SuperMarket

In studio, Tin-Man announced that we were very far behind and that we had to make 15 concepts and three models by Friday. Now, that's stressful for me, but I can't IMAGINE how my Taiwanese group members feel. They are in their finals week and have 4 other projects going on right now. They don't have time for that!

Hanging our story boards of our products ::

After class, we needed makeup and outfits for our Lady GaGa performance, so Tin-Man agreed to take us into town for dinner and "quick" shopping. We ate at Yon Bao Bao (that restaurant with Baby in the name) again and it was good, except I was feeling pretty yucky before hand so I couldn't eat that much.

We bought our makeup and gloves and hats and then went to the supermarket "real quick." Altogether, we were gone for 5 hours! But I got some new luggage! I got a pretty, orange, carry-on sized suitcase that rolls in any direction. Woohoo!

We returned at 10, decided to paint our nails. Then, we jumped around and I breathed nail polish fumes for about an hour while practicing our dance, and my head was basically spinning afterward. SO, five hours in the city and an hour and half of smelly jumping rendered me useless for homework and I went to bed for 10 hours.

Wednesday :: Sushi Buffet and International Day

I awoke to a knock on the door at 9:40. As we were free until 3, Christine and Sarah Jayne were trying to get a group together to go to lunch at an all-you-can-eat sushi buffet at 11. Of course!

I got to Skype with poor little Momma for about ten minutes. She's feeling sicky because she had surgery on her arm on Monday.

We left for lunch. That was delicious. I ate some heart, some weird egg, a lot of sushi, some shushimi (spelling?), and had a lot of coke and milky tea. I tried not to eat too much (1) because I knew I'd be jumping around dancing in a few hours (2) because I still wasn't feeling in tip-top shape.

It was a mad rush to change and plaster ourselves in ridiculous makeup, but we managed and we looked ridiculous...or gorgeous, take your pick.
Dancing ::

The performance went PRETTY well I think. This is me introducing myself to the crowd. "Ni hao, Wo jiao Amanda!"

Afterward we were BOMBARDED with people wanting to take pictures with us. My face was KILLING me from smiling. I would never ever EVER want to be some famous movie star.
Here are just a FEW of the pictures ::

At one point, Melanie, Arissa and I were modeling for a picture with 4 girls, then two more ran into the picture, then 3 more, then 5 more and so on until there were about thirty people in the picture. They were ALL on their tippy toes to be seen, so much so that the three of us Americans weren't visible anymore. We turned around to laugh about it with Tin-Man and he took a picture of our bewildered looks behind the group.

Some of us with Tin-Man ::

This is what happens when Christine is on stage and announces in Chinese that Ian is single ::

After about forty minutes of meaningless meet and greet, I walked back to the dorm by myself, and Kenney and I went to 711. Now I have returned to sketch my brains out. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Ceramics suck. Micah Gregg was a rockstar at it.

    More Jeaolusy from me and pure awesomeness from you and ya'll's performance!!
