Our "day off" was sort of a lie because TinMan surprised us and said to meet him at 1:00 at Four trees for an aboriginal craft class. We walked up and I thought we were going to be basket weaving because there were baskets everywhere. After they showed off some different products, we were told that we were going to be making flower pins. The task began easily, then I got confused and had to be saved by Melanie. This is the one I did (top) and that is Melanie's in her hair (bottom).

When I finished, I heard a commotion and turned around to see Kenney playing with a little Taiwanese kid.

So I went over and took pictures of him and we played. He liked to run up and hit me. And we spit our tongues at each other and stomped at each other.

After all that we went back to the dorm and bought icecream. We misunderstood when the woman asked if we wanted two. We thought she meant two cones, but we got two scoops and it was only 30 NT! That's about 95 cents American. I'd like to see Bruster's adopt those prices. Haha.
Arissa and I washed clothes today for the first time. Washing went well, but when we were transferring clothes to the dryer, we had to ring them out because they were DRIPPING wet. You have to pay 10 NT (About 35 cents) for each washer and dryer and we ended up paying 40 for the dryer. IT TOOK FOUR CYCLES TO DRY OUR CLOTHES! We heard that the dryer on the next floor is better so, next time we will try that.
There is also a machine that will spin your clothes! It was on the first floor I think. Dont forget to hang things outside! You should also get Kenney to try the fried rice omelet. That's right an egg wrapped around aplate full of your choice of fried rice!